Monday, January 28, 2013

Lincoln and Argo

Movies, Movies, Movies, where would we be without them? Not sure about you but I would be depressed! I recently saw the movies Lincoln and Argo. I loved Argo even though I didn't really want to see it to start with, but my husband did so being the cooperative spouse that I am (ha-ha) I went. I thought it was really an amazing story, hard to believe it  really happened. The characters were so convincing, and the cast had many of my favorites in it. And Lincoln, oh wow, Daniel Day Lewis took my breath away! I never once thought I was watching an actor, he  really was Abraham Lincoln. The movie is a little slow but I so love anything historical so I enjoyed it. I loved Sally Fields too, very convincing as Mary Lincoln.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen Argo, but I did see Lincoln and loved it. DDL was so convincing as Lincoln, I never once didn't believe that he wasn't Lincoln. Sally Field was also very believable. I too am interested in all things historical esp anything that has to do with the Civil War.
